A few weeks ago while heading to a wedding, my friend was telling me about how she and her boyfriend just took a test to find out what their love language was. I was so intrigued about this, as I had not heard about it before. As soon as I got home I had to read more about it. All you do is take a quick, simple test to find out what your love language is. You may end up with one or two primary love languages, that fit you best. There is five different love languages.
The Five Love Languages:
- Words of Affirmation- Actions don't always speak louder than words. If this is your love language, unsolicited compliments mean the world to you.
- Acts of Service- For these people, actions speak louder than words. Anything you do to ease the burden of responsibilities weighing on an "acts of service" person will speak volumes.
- Receiving Gifts- For some people, what makes them feel most loved is receiving a gift. Don't mistake this love language for materialism; the receiver of gifts thrives on the love, thoughtfulness, and effort behind the gift.
- Quality Time- This language is all about giving the other person your undivided attention. quality time also means sharing quality conversation and quality activities.
- Physical Touch- To this person, nothing speaks more deeply than an appropriate touch. Physical touch fosters a sense of security and belonging in any relationship.
Of course I had Andrew take the test with me to find out what our love languages were. I was kind of surprised to find out which one we ended up with, though it makes so much sense I really shouldn't have been. HA!
My primary love language is quality time. Though words of affirmation was a close second. After taking this test and thinking about it, it really did make sense that this would be my love language. I love nothing more than spending time with the people I care most about. With Andrew, whenever we eat dinner, or go out, I always make sure our phones away and that we pay attention to one another, and enjoy our time together. Nothing makes me happier than spending time with him, and having deep and loving conversations. My love language also takes a big role in my business. I love being able to spend time with my clients, serve them, get to know them, and cherish time with them. The purpose of my business is being able to serve and love my clients, and be there for them whenever they need it most.
Andrew's primary love language is acts of service. This one stood out from the rest of his, he did not have a close second at all! This is so funny, because honestly I should have known that this would be what his love language was. I actually made him show me his results because I thought he was just messing with me. Andrew is one of the most hard working people I know. Andrew may thrive on acts of services that people do for him, but he also serves others too, whether it be at home, work, or our relationship. But, when he comes home to a clean house, the bed made, dinner ready and no dishes, he is also a very happy man!
Ever since taking the love language test, Andrew and I have been paying more attention to our love languages. We have found such a difference in our relationship since loving on one another more based off of our love languages. It is actually very interesting, we have learned a lot more about each other and our relationship since this. That doesn't mean I do all the house chores and he has to be with me all the time. But, we try and make sure to do more of what the other person's love language is and make each other less stressed and happy. I strongly suggest taking the test and finding out your love language. It doesn't have to change anything, but for us it helped up show our love for one another better than ever. You can find the test here.
I always try my best to be open with y'all so you can get to know me better. I hope y'all liked this blog post today, and getting to know me better! :)
Do you know what your love language is? How does your love language play into your life, work, or even your relationship? Let me know in the comments below!
These are some of our favorite pictures taken together from Chantell Cruz Photography! But, it is also time for some updated ones!! :)